MS Outlook Not Opening? There could be a few reasons why your Microsoft Outlook won’t open. Outlook has a habit of leaving several processes running in the background, the majority of which are hidden from the user. Attempting to open Outlook again if one of these processes is currently running will result in nothing being displayed. Outlook is already up and running; you just can’t see it. If you’re having difficulties with Outlook not beginning, the steps below will help you troubleshoot the issue.

Causes of “Outlook Not Opening”.
Outlook may open wrongly or not at all due to a variety of difficulties. The following are some of the most common problems include:
- Problematic add-ins.
- Damaged files.
- A corrupted profile.
- Navigation pane issues.
Steps to Fix “Outlook Not Opening in Windows”.
If you’re using Outlook on a Windows computer and it won’t open or opens with errors, attempt the troubleshooting steps listed below in the order listed, from easy to more involved.
- In Safe Mode, open Outlook. If Outlook opens normally in Safe Mode, the problem is almost certainly caused by an add-in or toolbar extension.
- Add-ins should be disabled. One or more add-ins may be incompatible with Outlook and causing the problem. Disable all add-ins to see if the problem goes away.
- Select File > Options > Add-ins from the File menu.
- Select Go from the Manage section.
- Remove the check marks from the check boxes next to the add-ins you want to disable.
- Choose OK.
- Outlook should be repaired. It’s possible that the Outlook application has been harmed. To fix it, use the built-in Microsoft Office repair tool.
- All Office applications should be closed.
- To access the Control Panel, go to Start > Control Panel.
- Select the Category View option.
- Select Uninstall a Program from the Programs section.
- Change can be found by right-clicking Microsoft Office and selecting Change.
- Choose between Online Repair and Repair. If a user account control prompt appears, select Yes.
- After the process is finished, restart Outlook.
- Make changes to your Outlook profile. Outlook profiles can become corrupted, resulting in a variety of issues, including the inability to open Outlook.
- Choose File > Account Settings > Account Settings from the File menu.
- Select the Email option from the drop-down menu.
- To access the Repair wizard, select Repair (this option is not available for Outlook Exchange accounts).
- To finish the wizard and restart Outlook, follow the prompts.
- Outlook data files need to be repaired. If Outlook still won’t open, try using the Inbox Repair tool to figure out what’s wrong.
- Exit Outlook.
- Microsoft’s Inbox Repair tool can be downloaded and opened by clicking here.
- Select Browse and then Start to find your personal folders (.pst) file.
- If the scan uncovers errors, select Repair.
- Restart Outlook after the repair is finished.
- The navigation pane will be reset. Outlook may not open properly due to a startup problem with the navigation pane. It’s possible that resetting the navigation pane will fix the problem.
- Exit Outlook..
- Press Windows Key+R or go to Start > Run.
- Select OK after typing or pasting outlook.exe /resetnavpane.
- Start Outlook. The navigation pane will be reset to its default state.
Steps To Resolved “Outlook Not Opening in Mac”.
The troubleshooting steps listed below are applicable to Outlook 2016 for Mac and Outlook 2011 for Mac.
- Keep an eye out for new information. A recent update may include a fix for the problem of Outlook not starting. if you can’t open Outlook, check for and install any available updates.
- To check for updates, go to Help > Check for Updates.
- To download and install all available updates, select Update.
- Rebuild the Outlook database if necessary. The problem of Outlook not opening on a Mac could be solved by using the Microsoft utility to rebuild a corrupted database.
Notes: If you have a Microsoft Exchange account, rebuilding the database clears out any data that hasn’t been synced with the server. Before you rebuild the database, make a backup of any Outlook data that is solely on your computer.
- Closed all Office applications.
- To launch the Microsoft Database Utility, use the Option key and choose the Outlook icon in the Dock.
- Choose the database that you want to rebuild’s identity.
- Rebuild is the option to choose.
- Restart Outlook after the procedure is finished.
When you try to access Microsoft Outlook, it may not work or give you an error message such as ‘Outlook Won’t Open.’ However, by following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily resolve such situations.